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Free Exercise of Religion Vindicated
Resource Brett Skinner Resource Brett Skinner

Free Exercise of Religion Vindicated

As we’ve expected, hoped, and prayed for, hearings for the infringement on the freedom to exercise religion are beginning to be heard by the Supreme Court, our nation’s highest authority on law and justice in the interpretation of the Constitution. In a massive victory for religious liberty, the Supreme Court handed down a 5-4 decision in the case known as Tandon v. Newsom in the favor of Tandon.

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Is Church Worth the Risk?
Resource Brett Skinner Resource Brett Skinner

Is Church Worth the Risk?

With the constant bombardment of the media telling us that COVID-19 is the pandemic of the century, and thus going to church is "not" worth the risk, Christians need to look behind the hysteria and look for truth. Using leading data from top medical research organizations, Pastor Brett publishes this call for ALL Christians to return to church.

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The Road Less Traveled
Resource Jesse Randolph Resource Jesse Randolph

The Road Less Traveled

With rare exceptions, these are words that most pastors have neither said nor congregants heard in their churches. A review of most church websites and sermon databases will find sparse sermons from the book of Zephaniah (and other similarly-untrodden passages of Scripture). As most pastors plan out their preaching calendar, Galatians is far more likely to be chosen for a verse-by-verse series than Joel. This article is an appeal to preachers to preach overlooked passages of Scripture; that is, to preach texts which might not otherwise be brought to light in a modern church.

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Three Pillars of Biblical Interpretation
Resource Desmond Outlaw Resource Desmond Outlaw

Three Pillars of Biblical Interpretation

Many Christians have never learned how to process and apply what they read in Scripture correctly. If the Bible is the Word of the living God to His image-bearers on earth, not knowing how to read and understand it presents a significant problem. It is this kind of biblical illiteracy that has led to the development of many scriptural mishandlings and dangerous teachings throughout the Church’s history. In light of this, a few critical questions begin to emerge: What am I to do? How can I be confident when studying the Bible? How do I ensure that I handle God’s Word rightly? The answer is found in the faithful application of a reliable and accurate interpretive method.

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God’s Heart for Family Discipleship in the OT
Resource, Family Discipleship Albert Kilgore Resource, Family Discipleship Albert Kilgore

God’s Heart for Family Discipleship in the OT

Whether it is Old Testament Israel or New Testament Christians, the Bible makes it clear that parents are to be the primary disciple-makers for their children. What do we mean by disciple-makers? Well, to disciple someone involves the process of intentionally imparting biblical truth to another person for their spiritual growth. This imparting of biblical truth happens through verbal instruction and life modeling.

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Modern Apostles and Their ‘Miracle’ Hoax
Resource Anthony Wood Resource Anthony Wood

Modern Apostles and Their ‘Miracle’ Hoax

I’ve some friends who know the “signs and wonders” movement pretty well. We’ve seen the backstage planning of a “miracle” crusade, the selection of those to be healed, the bullying in the green rooms, the falsified twitter feeds, the manipulation of youthful naïveté, and even the post-event cash-money exchanges behind hotel doors in some impoverished third world nation… smoke and mirrors… all of it. So, it poses the question, is this type of miracle-manipulation or “miracle fraud” something we see happen in the Bible?

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10 Essential Commitments to Faithful Preaching
Resource Jesse Randolph Resource Jesse Randolph

10 Essential Commitments to Faithful Preaching

In the last chapter of Scripture he would ever write, the Apostle Paul left one of his pastoral protégés, Timothy, with one of ten essential commitments that any preacher of God’s Word ought to have as he prepares to faithfully preach the timeless and sufficient word of God.

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Follow Me…What Jesus Requires From Disciples
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Follow Me…What Jesus Requires From Disciples

Why do some begin with a passionate zeal for Jesus but soon fizzle out? Why do some say, “I am all in on Christianity,” but don’t live a life devoted to what Christ values? Invariably we all can come up with multiple reasons why this happens. May I propose a reason that is often left undiscussed? “They were never truly told what Jesus said following Him (i.e., discipleship) requires.”

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10 Markers of True Salvation
Resource Anthony Wood Resource Anthony Wood

10 Markers of True Salvation

Is your faith so profound it's noticeable? Are you set apart? Have you experienced a clear break from old ways? Are your deeds, words, and thoughts holy? How can you be confident that you are saved, providing peace of mind, and assurance of your eternal state?

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Kids in Big Church
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Kids in Big Church

As our children join us for corporate worship over the coming weeks, it’s important that we cultivate excitement and communicate expectations for church with our kiddos. Although this can seem like a daunting task, this framework will help make family worship at church a blessing for you, your kids, and the church.

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Committed to Truth
Resource Jesse Randolph Resource Jesse Randolph

Committed to Truth

As he stood before Pontius Pilate, Jesus of Nazareth faced a question which has echoed throughout the centuries: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). That moment in history, recorded by John the Apostle under the direction of the Holy Spirit, was no isolated dialogue from the annals of history. It represented no mere debate between a pagan governor of an outlying Roman province and a Jewish rabbi. Rather, the exchange between Jesus and Pilate provided a window into the clash of world-views that existed then, and continues to exist, between those who are followers of Jesus Christ and those who reject Christ.

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Sweeter Than Honey
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Sweeter Than Honey

What you believe about the Scriptures will drastically affect the remainder of your life. As the Psalmist proclaimed, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul…Sweeter also than honey…”

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