The MBC internship program is straightforward. Our goal is to unveil regular, day-to-day ministry life and provide men (most aspiring to be pastors) with a template for ministry work. Who leads a church? What are their qualifications? Why and how should church membership operate? In addition to being around church life, MBC interns will spend time engaging with theologians from the past.
Learn more.
The internship is offered to up to a small group of men once per year, running from September to May. We expect an intern to have completed an undergrad. Still, we are flexible beyond that, ranging from men in seminary to men who've pastored and are looking to refresh their ministry focus. Our goal is not to clarify with certainty whether a man is "called to the ministry" but to ensure he knows what qualification and calling are. For this reason, MBC does not build a ministry on interns, and men should not expect the internship to lead to immediate ministry placement or that all of their gifts will be adequately tested.
Most of the intern's time will be spent reading nearly 4,000 pages, writing approximately fifty papers, and discussing those papers. The topics include:
Spiritual qualifications
Difficulties in ministry
A pastor reads the interns’ position papers from the reading every week. The interns and pastoral staff regularly join him to discuss and defend papers.
We'll welcome applications from men targeting pastoral ministry or who need assistance while in church work and who gladly affirm the MBC Statement of Faith and Membership Covenant. A small group of men will be invited to participate each year. Each man must provide for his room and board while residing in or near Orange County, and he will also need to cover the cost of books, though in exceptional cases, MBC may help.
Atop the reading and writing assignments, the intern will be expected to observe Elder Meetings, weekly church public worship services, and pre-service prayer times. The intern can expect a few spontaneous meetings and possible requests to assist pastors on research or writing projects.
We highly encourage interns to schedule one-on-one lunches with church elders, deacons, and staff, allowing for various wisdom and counsel. For the internship, interns must fall under and reside by the Membership Covenant of MBC. Further, we request that single interns not initiate a dating/courting relationship during the internship.
We encourage you to apply if you believe this internship could benefit your development. We cannot guarantee acceptance but will do our best to ensure the program is suitable for those who are accepted. If you have a question we haven't answered here, please email All acceptance decisions will be announced two months before the program's commencement.
Ready to apply?
Where are they now:
Over the past ten years, MBC has invested deeply in the lives of many men aiming to serve Christ and His church. While we will not know the full fruits of the Lord's work until heaven, we can rejoice in how the Lord is using faithful men to build His Church. The following men were trained at Mission Bible Church in various capacities, and those training programs have improved into the internship as it stands today.
Blake Ryan, 2010, Associate Pastor, Lakeshore City Church, Corona, CA
Jimmy Lin, 2013, Elder, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Jeff Schlieder, 2013, Sr Pastor, Cross of Grace, Santa Ana, CA
Jason Roenicke, 2013, Pastor, Cross of Grace, Santa Ana, CA
Jerry Motto, 2014, Media & Communications Director, Kindred Community Church, Anaheim, CA
Brett Skinner, 2015, Pastor of Ministry Development, Stonebridge Bible Church, Franklin, TN
Albert Kilgore, 2016, Pastor-Teacher, Mission Bible Church, East Valley, AZ
Nate Rosales, 2017, Pastor of Discipleship, Mission Bible Church, East Valley, AZ
Desmond Outlaw, 2017, Staff Pastor, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Brett McIntosh, 2017, Associate Pastor, Shepherds House Bible Church, Chandler, AZ
Rhian Deguzman, 2018, Elder, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Dean Defuria, 2021, Executive Pastor, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Bryan Lamb, 2021, Staff Pastor, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Elijah Kim, 2022, Staff Pastor, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Aaron Smith, 2022, Worship Director, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Dan Smith, 2023, Elder, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Cameron Haugen, 2023, Praise Director, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Connor McFarland, 2023, Outreach Coordinator, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
Rand Rowland, 2024, Young Adults Coordinator, Mission Bible Church, Costa Mesa, CA
James Lee, 2024, Consultant, Amplifi Group
Aaron Alvarez, 2024, Asst., Living Waters Ministries
Albert Gomez, 2024, Kinecta Federal Credit Union