BecomE a Member


Mission Bible’s 2-class membership series is designed to give you an overview of what MBC teaches, and to help you figure out if Mission is the place you want to belong. All classes are required to attend in order to apply for membership.


We’re excited to have you consider MBC as the place you want to belong. Once you’ve completed the membership classes, you’ll have the opportunity to share your personal testimony by submitting an application to join as a member.


Upon receipt of your testimony and membership application, you’ll be scheduled to meet with one of MBC’s pastors to discuss your desire to join the fellowship at Mission Bible Church.

Join the Family

Become a part of Mission Bible family and experience the fellowship, love, care, and joy of the mutual edification of believers. Sign up for the next class below!

“Nothing in the world is dearer to God’s heart than his church; therefore, being his, let us also belong to it, that by our prayers, our gifts, and our labours, we may support and strengthen it. If those who are Christ’s refrained, even for a generation, from numbering themselves with his people, there would be no visible church, no ordinances maintained, and, I fear, very little preaching of the gospel.”

— Charles Spurgeon