Our mission is quite simple:


We exist to love God by growing in our knowledge of Him and living in worshipful obedience to His Word, love people by imitating Jesus’ sacrificial service, and make disciples by proclaiming the powerful gospel message. As a church, we are called to carry out the Great Commandments and the Great Commission, and our mission statement was created to capture both of these critical mandates. Our mission drives everything we do, from the ministries we provide to the resources we produce.

We accomplish this mission as we worship together each Sunday, serve together by using what the Lord has given us to care for one another, and grow together in the knowledge of Christ through discipleship and community. It is through these shared graces that God conforms His church into the image of Christ—a church rooted in love, matured through the Word, and steadfast with joy even in a darkening world.

Welcome to your home for truth.

Our Values

  • We exposit Scripture as the authoritative and sufficient Word of God to man.

  • We hold a high view of God, exalting Him in both spirit and truth.

  • We practice prayer as man’s submission to the will of God.

  • We walk in love through giving, service, and edification of believers.

  • We establish biblical homes that operate and thrive according to God’s design.

  • We strive to pass down a biblical worldview to the next generation.

  • We proclaim the gospel in obedience to Christ and for the flourishing of man.

Our History


Learn more

What We Teach.

See our Statement of Faith and a detailed summary of What We Teach.

Our Team.

Meet the pastors, elders, staff, and deacons who faithfully lead and serve at Mission Bible Church.

Contact Us.

Have additional questions? Want to get connected? We would love to hear from you!