Upcoming Events

Door-2-Door Evangelism Outings
We regularly go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel. Join us!
Click here for dates and times for our upcoming evangelism outings.

Ice Cream Truck Evangelism Outings
We regularly go to the beach or a nearby park, hand out free ice cream, and share the gospel. Join us!
Click here for dates and times for our upcoming Ice Cream Truck evangelism outings.

Mommy Fellowships & Playdates
Mothers of Mission, please join us with your kiddos and enjoy fellowship and practical wisdom on how to grow in your roles as a wife and mother. You will also receive additional resources to help lead you to Christ in times of temptation and trial.
Click this event link to view upcoming MoM Park Days.

Good Friday Services
Coming out of the Fall, man was clouded by sin – cut off from communion and relationship with our righteous Creator. We gather on Good Friday to remember the price that was paid by Jesus Christ, that our relationship with God may be restored. Join us for this special evening of remembrance as we prepare our hearts to joyfully celebrate Easter Sunday!

Easter Services
The resurrection gives us the hope of heaven, and on Easter Sunday we will give God all of our praise as we celebrate our restored fellowship with God! Invite friends and family to join us as we celebrate the hope of heaven through the Gospel of Christ.
Invite your friends and family, worship with us, and be encouraged as we lift up Jesus's name in what will be sure to be a God-glorifying and gospel-centered morning.

Welcome Lunch
If you're new to MBC, it may be helpful for you to get to know some of our pastors, elders, staff, and ministry leaders. Please join us for this free lunch, a gift to welcome you to our family, and a light-hearted time of fellowship.

Young Adults Lunch
Young Adults—Meet us at The Square (Plaza with lots of food options!) for lunch after Third Service on May 4th! Hope to see you there!

Family Foundations
The Family Foundations course will aid families of Mission Bible Church in cultivating a Christian culture in the home. During the twelve sessions, we will cover topics such as the gospel, a theology of parenting, how to establish Christian rhythms and habits in the home, developing a child-training schedule, age-specific parenting principles, helping our children navigate Christian dating, and so on.

Builders Class
Jesus calls us all to make disciples, winning both new believers and growing those who are maturing in their faith. Every Christian is meant to be involved in discipleship relationships throughout their lives.
This 12-week discipleship class will equip you with a biblical understanding of discipleship. You will learn how to build others up effectively while also being discipled in return. Join us Monday evenings and learn how to make new and better disciples.

Evangelism & Apologetics Class
Jesus encapsulates the current state of evangelism in Matthew 9:27: "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." Through this 11-week class, you will be taught the infinitely precious skill of sharing the gospel with your family, friends, and neighbors in a winsome, loving, and biblically faithful way. In addition to practical evangelism training, this class will cover essential apologetics, equipping you to defend and explain the faith with clarity and confidence. You will learn how to lovingly and effectively share the truth of the gospel while addressing the beliefs of major religions such as Roman Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, and more. This class will help you overcome your fear of evangelism and bring the Good News to people that the Lord has uniquely placed into your life. Classes are on Monday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Memorial Day Family Fellowship
Enjoy an afternoon as we gather on Memorial Day at Ron Foell Park. Bring the whole family and your favorite dish as we come together for an afternoon filled with friends, food, and fellowship. It's a day you won't want to miss, so mark your calendar and we'll see you there!

Women’s Conference With Susan Heck
Western society has erased the beauties and glories of womanhood, most especially as it relates to a woman’s chastity and modesty in both singleness and marriage. Yet a rising generation seeks to honor God, uphold purity, and steward their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Join hundreds of women from across Southern California for this transformative two-part event celebrating the virtue of a woman committed to the glory of God. We are excited to bring to you the “Pursuit of Purity” women’s conference featuring Susan Heck.

VBS 2025: Wilderness Wonders
Join us for an unforgettable adventure at our 2025 Vacation Bible School, Wilderness Wonders: Marveling at the Greatness of God!
Over five days, we’ll explore amazing truths about God: how He created everything, keeps His promises, came to be with us, changes our hearts, and will one day make everything right. Come discover God’s greatness through fun activities, games, and stories. Get ready to explore, learn, and have a blast—your wilderness adventure awaits!

Fundamentals of the Faith
Join us for this 12-week class, where we’ll dive into the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Whether you’re new to following Christ or want to strengthen your foundation, this class will help you grow in your understanding of God and His Word.
We’ll cover essential topics like who God is, how we know the Bible is true, what it means to be saved, the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, prayer, the church, and more.
Come join us Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM and be encouraged as you build your faith and connect with others on the same journey.

Israel 2025
A visit to Israel is worth two years of Bible College as it brings the Scriptures to life via vivid and tangible historical and cultural experiences. Keep reading to find out more information

Young Adults Park Olympics
Young Adults—join us for a Classic Picnic & Park Olympics Day after church on Sunday, March 9th, at Bill Barber Memorial Park (at the Picnic Shelters!) at 1:30 pm! We will enjoy fellowship with pizza & team picnic games—you don’t want to miss it! Feel free to bring your own lunch, a friend, and a friendly competitive spirit!

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then afterwards enjoy dinner and fellowship back at the church at 5pm.

Guest Preacher: Granger Smith
We are excited to welcome back Granger Smith to preach on February 16th, the Sunday following the sold-out ONE Conference.
Also, keep an eye out for an upcoming Date Night with the Woods episode featuring Granger and Amber Smith, coming out later this month!
Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and join us for what will surely be a blessed Lord’s Day.

ONE Conference
Whether you've been married for two months or twenty years, every marriage can use encouragement and counsel. Join us in sunny Orange County, California, for this special 2-day event, February 14-15th, meant to strengthen your love and boost your joy. Speakers include Granger & Amber Smith, Grant & GraceAnna Castleberry, and Tony & Bre Wood.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go to the beach or a nearby park, hand out free ice-cream, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:15 pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then head out with the ice-cream truck to share the gospel, and afterwords enjoy some fellowship and ice-cream at the truck until around 4:45 pm.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then afterwards enjoy dinner and fellowship back at the church at 5pm.

Youth Hike
Join us for a Youth Hike at the Arroyo Trabuco Loop, a 3-mile adventure with friends and a devotional in the great outdoors. We’ll meet at Robert A. Curtis Park in Mission Viejo—be sure to bring water and invite your friends for a refreshing day of hiking and fun fellowship!

Builders Class
Jesus calls us all to make disciples, winning both new believers and growing those who are maturing in their faith. Every Christian is meant to be involved in discipleship relationships throughout their lives.
This 12-week discipleship class will equip you with a biblical understanding of discipleship. You will learn how to build others up effectively while also being discipled in return. Join us Monday evenings and learn how to make new and better disciples.
*Childcare will be provided for Nursery through 5th.

Evangelism Class
Jesus encapsulates the current state of evangelism in Matthew 9:27: "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." Through this 11-week class, you will be taught the infinitely precious skill of sharing the gospel with your family, friends, and neighbors in a winsome, loving, and biblically faithful way. This class will help you overcome your fear of evangelism and bring the Good News to people that the Lord has uniquely placed into your life.
*Childcare will be provided for Nursery through 5th.

Membership Classes (2 wk)
What does it mean to be a part of the local church? Does God command that we formally join the church? What exactly does MBC teach?
If you've attended Mission but have yet to integrate into the body, plan to attend the upcoming membership class. This 2-week, Sunday afternoon membership class will unearth the riches of the gospel, explain the biblical reasons for church membership, clarify what MBC teaches, and shed light on church life at MBC.
Please note, this class is required to apply for membership.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we hand out free ice cream to our community and engage in gospel conversations. We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for brief instructions, encouragement and prayer.

Welcome Lunch
If you're new to MBC, it may be helpful for you to get to know some of our pastors, elders, staff, and ministry leaders. Please join us for this free lunch, a gift to welcome you to our family, and a light-hearted time of fellowship.

MoM: Park Day
Mothers of Mission, please join us with your kiddos and enjoy fellowship and practical wisdom on how to grow in your roles as a wife and mother. You will also receive additional resources to help lead you to Christ in times of temptation and trial.
Encouraging Conversation Topic: "Setting Godly Goals in this New Year"

Christmas At Mission
You're invited to Christmas at Mission! Bring your family and join us for a special Christmas message and our classic Candle Lighting Ceremony as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Christmas Caroling Door-2-Door
Join us on Friday, 12/20 at 6pm as we celebrate the joy and wonder of the birth of our Savior by going door-to-door singing Christmas carols in our neighborhoods and also sharing the Gospel, together with ice-cream and hot chocolate!

Young Adults Christmas Party
Let’s come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We'll begin the night in worship, reminding one another of the profound hope that we share as Christians. Afterward, we'll fellowship together and enjoy some seasonal favorites (like Hot Cocoa!). It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with friends and prepare your heart for Christmas. Don’t miss out—invite your friends, and we can’t wait to see you there!

Youth Christmas Party
Join us for our annual Youth Christmas Party as we celebrate the birth of Christ with carols, fun activities, and an evening of fellowship. Don’t forget to wear your ugliest sweater and invite your friends for a night full of joyful memories!

MoM: Park Day
Mothers of Mission, please join us with your kiddos and enjoy fellowship and practical wisdom on how to grow in your roles as a wife and mother. You will also receive additional resources to help lead you to Christ in times of temptation and trial.
Encouraging Conversation Topic: "Choosing Contentment in a Season of Want"

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we hand out free ice cream to our community and engage in gospel conversations. We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for brief instructions, encouragement and prayer.

Young Adults Friendsgiving
Join us for our Annual Young Adults Friendsgiving! Get ready to give thanks to the Lord and enjoy some food, games & fellowship! Sign up today & bring an entree, side or dessert to share.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then afterwards enjoy dinner and fellowship back at the church at 5pm.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we hand out free ice cream to our community and engage in gospel conversations. We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for brief instructions, encouragement and prayer.

Fall Fest
Join us for Fall Fest and enjoy a free community event filled with carnival games, sweet treats, and delicious food! This safe, family-oriented festival will start at 6pm and end at 8pm.
A Safe Environment
Great Food
Pony Rides
Obstacle Course
Carnival Games
Lots of Candy
Live Music
Raffle Prizes

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then afterwards enjoy dinner and fellowship back at the church at 5pm."

Membership Classes (2 wk)
What does it mean to be a part of the local church? Does God command that we formally join the church? What exactly does MBC teach?
If you've attended Mission but have yet to integrate into the body, plan to attend the upcoming membership class. This 2-week, Sunday afternoon membership class will unearth the riches of the gospel, explain the biblical reasons for church membership, clarify what MBC teaches, and shed light on church life at MBC.
Please note, this class is required to apply for membership.

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we hand out free ice cream to our community and engage in gospel conversations. We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for brief instructions, encouragement and prayer.

MoM: Park Day
Mothers of Mission, please join us with your kiddos and enjoy fellowship and practical wisdom on how to grow in your roles as a wife and mother. You will also receive additional resources to help lead you to Christ in times of trial.
Encouraging Conversation Topic: ""Are you choosing the right attitude in your circumstances?"

Young Adults: Launch Night
Join us as we launch the new ministry year for Young Adults (18-30) at Mission Bible Church! Invite a friend and come learn what it's like to be a part of a community that's committed to making an eternal impact. We'll be singing praises, enjoying fellowship, and giving away some fresh Young Adults merch! Gates open at 6:30 PM. See you there!

Evangelism Outing
Join us as we go door-to-door to meet our closest neighbors, invite them to church, and share the gospel.
We will meet beforehand at 1:30pm at the church for training, encouragement and prayer, then afterwards enjoy dinner and fellowship back at the church at 5pm.

“Winning With Wisdom” Men’s Conference W/ Grant Castleberry
We are excited to partner with Unashamed Truth and bring to you the “Winning with Wisdom” conference featuring Pastors Grant Castleberry and Tony Wood.