2025–2026 Registration Open!
New family registration is now open. Grab your spot today!
Mission: AcadeMY
Coming alongside parents desiring to provide a quality Christian education for their children, we are devoted to providing parents a place to find support and enjoy community in their homeschooling pursuits. Utilizing the Classical Education model, we unite a rigorous, time-tested teaching format with the timeless truths of God’s Word.
Here’s how.
As government schools work to cut parents out, we believe that parental involvement is a crucial element in a child’s education. Mission: Academy provides a place for homeschooling parents to partner in teaching the next generation. No matter the subject matter, we hold to three core commitments:
We recognize Scripture as the one rule of faith and practice. In every way, it is sufficient to guide believers as it is “profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteous, that the man of God would be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). We teach the Bible, weaving it into all subject matters, believing that it provides the greatest exposure to truth and a firm foundation for quality education.
Through Mission: Academy, students will be challenged and equipped to understand the world through a biblical framework.We are devoted to helping the next generation understand the world rightly so that they may live in it righteously, by God’s grace.
Where much of modern education has moved in the direction of telling our children what to think, through the classical education model, Mission: Academy desires to help our children learn how to think; and specifically, how to think “Christianly.” For centuries, Classical education has utilized a framework that is based upon three of the seven liberal arts: grammar, dialectic (logic), and rhetoric. Combined with our integration of Scripture, this co-op pursues an academically excellent and unapologetically Christ-centered education.
Given the importance and intensity of parenting and educating children, parents ought to be surrounded by godly support and wisdom within the local church. Therefore, a significant element of the Mission: Academy ministry is the ongoing encouragement of our parents. This is accomplished in three ways:
Pastoral guidance and support are vital to encouraging the parents at MBC. Striving to shepherd the flock in every avenue of life, the pastoral staff, and particularly the Family Discipleship Pastor, is wholly devoted to locking arms with parents in the task of raising and releasing the next generation of faithful Christ-followers.
Fellowship is an essential aspect of life within the body of Christ. Mission: Academy not only desires to provide a community for children but also for parents who are on the same educational journey. The homeschool co-op provides an avenue for parents to foster relationships and encourage one another as they educate their children.
We partner with parents in the joyful pursuit of an excellent education for the next generation by providing an avenue for families of MBC to lock arms and shoulder the load together. Through midweek gatherings, parents can serve together, working toward the common goal of quality, biblical education.
Our parent integration model allows parents to be active and hands-on in the ministry as they volunteer for various serving roles. Whether it be teaching, set-up/tear-down, cleaning, or any number of other opportunities, parents are encouraged to offer their time and skills for the betterment of the ministry.
Our Mission
Mission: Academy gathers once a week on Wednesdays for 28 weeks between September and May, with nine break weeks included. The weekly Wednesday gathering is divided into two programs: (1) The morning program, which runs from 8:45 AM to noon for ages 4-12th grade, and (2) the afternoon program, which is elective-based and open to various ages depending on the subject.
Our goal is to provide a community for homeschooling families to fellowship with other like-minded families and learn in a simple but effective education style. To this end, Mission: Academy offers five courses that will be available to families in the morning program:
• Bible (Bible book studies, Systematic Theology, etc.)
• Memorization (Claritas Memory Work includes Bible, Timeline, History, Geography, Math Facts, Grammar, etc.)
• Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, etc.)
• History & Geography (Ancient, Medieval, Modern, etc.)
• Presentation
Electives to be offered as part of the afternoon program may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Music (Choir and Musical Theater)
• Writing Workshop w/ The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
• Physical Education (P.E., 100-Mile Club)
• Homework and Tutoring Club
**Mission: Academy is not a “drop off” program. Each family will be asked to contribute in some volunteer role to support the program each week. The co-op is a high-parent-involvement program that seeks to bless all families involved. Although not exclusive, Mission Academy is a ministry of Mission Bible Church, and therefore, registration priority is given to church members. We strongly encourage going through the membership process.
Registration Information
2025-2026 Academic Year
[PREVIEW DAYS ARE NOW FULL] Planning for the 2025-2026 academic year? We will hold Preview Days on January 29, February 19, and February 26, 2025. Space is limited. If you’d like to sign up for one of these dates, please email Rená Acevez at missionacademy@missionbible.org.
The 2025-2026 academic year application period will be open from March 1st to June 1st, 2025.
Families that were enrolled for the 2024-2025 academic year will be able to register beginning February 1, 2025.
2025-2026 Tuition Rates:
$250 per student
REGISTRATION FOR 2025-2026 is open!
have questions?
is this effective?
Classical Education through homeschooling can be more effective than modern education in public or private school settings because it compliments the way we naturally learn. Additionally, it was the method used throughout all of history up until the last several decades. When looking at modern education, we can see the results of a failing system through lower test scores, higher illiteracy rates, and a culture that has become more depraved. Being at home with your child provides the opportunity for you to discover your child's strengths and weaknesses and then to equip them for whatever the Lord has planned for their lives. While the co-op strives to come alongside parents in the task of educating and training their children, ultimately, the quality of education a child receives will fall on Mom and Dad and the training that is happening in the home.
Can i do this?
Simply put, yes. You are actually already doing it in your everyday interactions with your children as you help them to ask questions and find answers. On top of that, you will have a community of like-minded Christian brothers and sisters surrounding you as you endeavor to provide an academically excellent and theologically accurate education for your children.
How much does it cost?
One of our primary objectives is keeping costs low for parents. With that in mind, the ministry is structured to allow parents to get started for $250 per child, which will cover all supply costs for our morning program for the entire year. The afternoon program electives, which families will have the option of participating in, are also available as add-ons for an additional fee. Some elective classes may be covered with charter funds, depending on the nature of the class.
No. Mission: Academy offers a supplemental opportunity for families to do some of their schooling during the week with other homeschooling families. Some benefits to joining a co-op include:
• Social activities for both kids and parents such as field trips and special events
• Access to tutors (parents) who are passionate about a subject
• Built-in personal homeschool support system with other like-minded parents
• Kids learn to take direction from tutors with different teaching styles
• Some subjects and activities are just more fun in a group! -
While the cost of homeschooling varies with each family and what they choose to do, this is a general summary of what the yearly cost could look like: Co-op tuition fee per child for the year + curriculum (this cost varies, CHEA is a great resource to look at different curriculums (https://www.cheaofca.org) + PSA filing $0 + Homeschool Legal Defense annual membership $135 (optional, but recommended) + other supply costs.
There are no tests at the grammar level; however, there are optional tests at the logic and rhetoric levels. The role of the co-op is to support the parent as the primary educator.
Our co-op runs on parent participation. Parents joining the co-op will be asked to volunteer in some capacity whether it’s as a subject tutor requiring 1-2 hours of prep a week or a room mom who helps keep the class in order. A complete list of the areas of involvement can be found on the online registration form.
This entirely depends on what each family decides. Mission: Academy will offer specific curricula to teach. However, it is up to each family to decide if they would like to purchase the same curricula and follow along at home in greater detail. Additionally, we chose curriculums that are accepted by most charter schools enabling parents to count what is taught at Mission: Academy Co-op towards required material.
Yes, there is a childcare class available for 6 months-3-year-olds. However, priority will be given to tutors. We keep our ratios to 4:1, so if we have enough volunteers, we can accept children.
Yes. Because Mission: Academy is purely a co-op and not a school each family will need to file their own PSA through whichever means they choose, either independently or via a charter school.
Absolutely! We desire to be a community to all homeschooling families and understand that most have different styles of learning.
Although not exclusive, Mission Academy is a ministry of Mission Bible Church and therefore, registration priority is given to church members. We strongly encourage going through the membership process if you are attending the church. All new families will need to complete an in-person interview, agree to MBCs statement of faith, and submit a pastoral reference from their home church.
In California, there are several ways that parents educate their children at home: through an existing private school, through a public charter or independent study program, and in many instances by opening their own private homebased school and filing the Private School Affidavit (PSA) with the California Department of Education (CDE). More information on this can be found at https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/ps/psfaq.asp#D

We aim to support and encourage parents while providing a communal context for them to pursue a comprehensive Christian education for the next generation of Christ-followers.
You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, & training them up in God’s fear, & minding the house, & making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts.
- Charles Spurgeon