Without question, the only hope for our society is the Good News of Christ, heralded from the church, and taught within homes. We must take seriously our God-given calling to grow in the Word and pass truth on to the next generation. May our Lord help us train this generation and transform the next.
Join us.
We live in an era where God’s Word has been pushed from the halls of media, education, and government. With each passing day, liberalism and woke ideologies promote sensual sin and mock Christian righteousness. Without question, the only hope for our society is the Good News of Christ, heralded from the church, and taught within homes. We must take seriously our God-given calling to grow in the Word and pass truth on to the next generation. May our Lord help us train this generation and transform the next.
What to Expect.
God is growing our church, and we are pushing the limits of what our current facilities can handle. To train this generation and transform the next, we need to expand all areas of our church building.
Building B (Family Center)
We’ll be constructing two (2) nurseries in order to keep the number of babies in each class smaller and more manageable. The Family Center will double our current nursery capacity.
We’ll be constructing two (2) toddler classrooms in order to keep the number of toddlers in each class smaller and more manageable. The Family Center will double our current toddler capacity.
Currently, our Pre-k and Kinder classes are combined. We believe it will be best to split these classrooms long-term. The new Family Center will split Pre-k and Kinder into two separate classrooms, doubling class capacity for both.
This will also allow more age-appropriate class structures to be put in place for our Pre-k children.
Currently, our Pre-k and Kinder classes are combined. We believe it will be best to split these classrooms long-term. The new Family Center will split Pre-k and Kinder into two separate classrooms, doubling class capacity for both.
This will also allow more age-appropriate class structures to be put in place for our Kinder children.
We’ve a growing number of children in our elementary classrooms, with many more coming through Pre-k and Kinder. We’ll be constructing two (2) 1st to 2nd grade classrooms in order to keep the number of elementary students in each class smaller and more manageable. The Family Center will double our elementary class size.
We’ll be constructing two (2) 3rd to 5th grade classrooms in order to keep the number of elementary students in each class smaller and more manageable. The Family Center will double our elementary class size.
Coming alongside parents desiring to provide a quality Christian education for their children, Mission: Academy is a ministry of MBC devoted to providing a place where parents can come and find support and community. Utilizing the Classical Education model, this homeschool co-op brings together a rigorous and time-tested teaching format with the timeless truths of Scripture.
The co-op will be hosted in our newly constructed Family Center, allowing hundreds of families to provide a Biblical education to their children in community with members of their church.
Along with ample children’s classroom space, the new Family Center will have a large, 150+ person assembly area, allowing for flexible play time, worship time, VBS, and many other activities designed to build up, strengthen, and equip our children.
Building A
We’ll renovate the former childrens area in Building A and transform it into a multipurpose classroom large enough to house 150+ Youth, Young Adults, and more.
We’ll update our lobby with a lounge area to provide much-needed space for private discipleship conversations.
We’ll move the southeast wall and expand the sanctuary to fit over 100 more seats, freeing us up to shift to two elongated worship services. This will allow for all-church fellowship between services.
Family Center At a Glance.
Can I give directly to the co-op instead of the building?
Education is such an important part of our discipleship within the home, and thus, the homeschool co-op has been built into our General Fund budget to ensure this ministry area continues to thrive for decades to come. The two ways to directly support the homeschool co-op is to either give to the General fund or give to the Building fund so we can expand the kids space.
What happens to the current kids' area?
The current Kids Ministry space will be renovated to provide two new areas on the campus! We intend to build a large multipurpose room that will be used for adult Sunday school, Youth, and our college ministry. The remaining space will be renovated into a new cafe and book store.
Is IT important for me to pledge or can I simply give?
We ask that everyone who is comfortable making a pledge for what they intend to donate to this fund do so. Since the campaign will run for two years, the pledge information will allow us to know if we are on track to reach our goals.
What will my donations to the building fund provide?
Your designated donations will provide the capital needed to design, build, and furnish both the new family ministry building and the renovated sanctuary, multi-purpose room, and lounge area.
Should I transfer my giving from the General fund to the Building fund?
While it may be tempting to transfer your current giving to the building fund, this could hinder our ability to maintain the day-to-day functions of church ministry—teaching, kids ministry, youth ministry, discipleship groups, mercy ministry, homeschool co-op, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, pastoral counseling, and the month-to-month costs of our facilities. These ministries are all supported through our General fund. We ask that you consider how you could support the building project above and beyond your current offering.
How can I give to the building project?
There are several ways you can give: at the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings in the Lobby of church (cash, checks, and cards accepted), online at for a one-time donation, or at using the Give button on the left. It is important that you designate your offering as going towards "Building Expansion Fund." For DAF or stock contributions, please email
Can I set up a recurring donation?
Yes. Login or create a login at and select “Repeating Gift” under the Give option. Be sure to use the designation "Building Expansion Fund."
The ‘right amount’ is the amount God places on your heart to give. Your commitment is a response in worship. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6–7 that “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
How long will it take for the improvements to be completed?
The design, build, and furnishing side of this project can be done in less than 1-year. However, what is unknown is how long it will take to raise the funds in order to begin building. We are trusting in the Lord’s timing on this, knowing He will provide the means at the proper time. We will have a better idea of this timeline once the congregation submits its pledges for this campaign.
How long do we think these improvements will last once built?
Lord willing, these improvements will provide for the next decade of ministry and foster our ability to serve 2,000 people while planting churches as we expand. It’s hard to know what’s beyond that timeline, but the plan is that these renovations will give us a long stretch of focusing on exalting our God, equipping our people, and evangelizing our neighbors and the world.
GIVE TO pass the torch
For additional questions related to PASS THE TORCH, email