10 Markers of True Salvation

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In 1535 John Rogers translated the first full Bible into the English language. Subsequently, he was the first martyr of the reformation, burned at stake by Queen “Bloody” Mary. As he was guided to the stake, history describes his children walking at his side, “encouraging him” while he smiled with joy.


Is your faith so profound it's noticeable? Would Queen Mary have hunted you down? Would you walk to the stake with joy? Are you set apart? Have you experienced a clear break from old ways? Are your deeds, words, and thoughts holy?

Sadly, I've met many people who believe they’re saved but bear absolutely no fruit of it. They feel limited confidence in their salvation, and often I can’t give them confidence in it either…

“Obedience” (e.g., repentant-faith) isn’t a word we hear much in the modern church. We hear a lot about relevance, experience, the blessing, and decisions, but incredibly little about obedience. But, the Bible has a ton to say about obedience. In fact, you can determine if you’re genuinely saved by looking at the evidence of obedience in your life. To be clear, you are saved by the work of the Spirit, creating in you a present, ongoing, entire dependence on Christ. Still, the Bible teaches that this new dependence will always result in a desire to please Christ. Justification and sanctification are a package deal from God.

Let’s clarify again to prevent confusion; you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. However, the process for confirming a union with Christ via the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is analyzing obedience in your life. The root always produces fruit. So, what should you look for? How can you grow in assurance? What fruit blossoms from your life, indicating valid fiduciary trust in Christ?

  1. You’ll want to obey because you love Jesus (Jn 14:15)

  2. You’ll want to keep a clear conscience (Rom 13:5, 1 Tim 1:5, 2 Tim 1:3)

  3. You’ll want to be a vessel for noble use (2 Tim 2:20-21)

  4. You’ll want your life to be a testimony for unbelievers (1 Peter 3:1-2, 15-16)

  5. You’ll hope for God’s present blessings (1 Peter 3:9-12)

  6. You’ll want to avoid God’s displeasure and discipline (2 Cor 5:11, Eph 4:30)

  7. You’ll want heavenly rewards (Matt 6:19-21, 1 Cor 3:12-15, 2 Cor 5:9-10)

  8. You’ll want a deeper walk with God (Matt 5:8, John 14:21, 1 John 1:6)

  9. You’ll want peace and joy (Phil 4:9, Heb 12:1-2)

  10. You’ll want what is right (Phil 4:8, Ps 40:8)

If you read this list and recognize growing desires, new victories, and progressive out-workings in your life, you ARE experiencing the sanctifying work of God and can be assured of your salvation. Conversely, if you felt tempted to delete this post the moment you saw the title, felt the urge to argue with the subject of “obedience” as evidence of salvation, or were taught that your salvation was secure simply because you “raised your hand” or “walked an aisle” then search the Scriptures and turn to God with a broken and contrite heart, admitting your spiritual bankruptcy, and asking He give you new life. 

Anthony Wood

Tony has pastored at MBC since 2010. Tony is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (D.Min) and serves on multiple church and missionary boards. He is married to his wife, Bre, and they have three children.


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