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God’s Heart for Family Discipleship in the OT
Resource, Family Discipleship Albert Kilgore Resource, Family Discipleship Albert Kilgore

God’s Heart for Family Discipleship in the OT

Whether it is Old Testament Israel or New Testament Christians, the Bible makes it clear that parents are to be the primary disciple-makers for their children. What do we mean by disciple-makers? Well, to disciple someone involves the process of intentionally imparting biblical truth to another person for their spiritual growth. This imparting of biblical truth happens through verbal instruction and life modeling.

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Kids in Big Church
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Kids in Big Church

As our children join us for corporate worship over the coming weeks, it’s important that we cultivate excitement and communicate expectations for church with our kiddos. Although this can seem like a daunting task, this framework will help make family worship at church a blessing for you, your kids, and the church.

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