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The Road Less Traveled
Resource Jesse Randolph Resource Jesse Randolph

The Road Less Traveled

With rare exceptions, these are words that most pastors have neither said nor congregants heard in their churches. A review of most church websites and sermon databases will find sparse sermons from the book of Zephaniah (and other similarly-untrodden passages of Scripture). As most pastors plan out their preaching calendar, Galatians is far more likely to be chosen for a verse-by-verse series than Joel. This article is an appeal to preachers to preach overlooked passages of Scripture; that is, to preach texts which might not otherwise be brought to light in a modern church.

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Sweeter Than Honey
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Sweeter Than Honey

What you believe about the Scriptures will drastically affect the remainder of your life. As the Psalmist proclaimed, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul…Sweeter also than honey…”

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