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Fulfilling the Great Commission
Ministry Update Jesse Randolph Ministry Update Jesse Randolph

Fulfilling the Great Commission

It is the central responsibility of all Christians—not just pastors—to “make disciples,” as our Lord Jesus has commanded us to do. Because it is at the heart of the Great Commission, Mission Bible Church is committed to being a disciple-making church! To that end, we are excited to be rolling out a new one-on-one discipleship program.

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Follow Me…What Jesus Requires From Disciples
Resource Albert Kilgore Resource Albert Kilgore

Follow Me…What Jesus Requires From Disciples

Why do some begin with a passionate zeal for Jesus but soon fizzle out? Why do some say, “I am all in on Christianity,” but don’t live a life devoted to what Christ values? Invariably we all can come up with multiple reasons why this happens. May I propose a reason that is often left undiscussed? “They were never truly told what Jesus said following Him (i.e., discipleship) requires.”

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