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Free Exercise of Religion Vindicated
Resource Brett Skinner Resource Brett Skinner

Free Exercise of Religion Vindicated

As we’ve expected, hoped, and prayed for, hearings for the infringement on the freedom to exercise religion are beginning to be heard by the Supreme Court, our nation’s highest authority on law and justice in the interpretation of the Constitution. In a massive victory for religious liberty, the Supreme Court handed down a 5-4 decision in the case known as Tandon v. Newsom in the favor of Tandon.

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Is Church Worth the Risk?
Resource Brett Skinner Resource Brett Skinner

Is Church Worth the Risk?

With the constant bombardment of the media telling us that COVID-19 is the pandemic of the century, and thus going to church is "not" worth the risk, Christians need to look behind the hysteria and look for truth. Using leading data from top medical research organizations, Pastor Brett publishes this call for ALL Christians to return to church.

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