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Three Pillars of Biblical Interpretation
Resource Desmond Outlaw Resource Desmond Outlaw

Three Pillars of Biblical Interpretation

Many Christians have never learned how to process and apply what they read in Scripture correctly. If the Bible is the Word of the living God to His image-bearers on earth, not knowing how to read and understand it presents a significant problem. It is this kind of biblical illiteracy that has led to the development of many scriptural mishandlings and dangerous teachings throughout the Church’s history. In light of this, a few critical questions begin to emerge: What am I to do? How can I be confident when studying the Bible? How do I ensure that I handle God’s Word rightly? The answer is found in the faithful application of a reliable and accurate interpretive method.

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Committed to Truth
Resource Jesse Randolph Resource Jesse Randolph

Committed to Truth

As he stood before Pontius Pilate, Jesus of Nazareth faced a question which has echoed throughout the centuries: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). That moment in history, recorded by John the Apostle under the direction of the Holy Spirit, was no isolated dialogue from the annals of history. It represented no mere debate between a pagan governor of an outlying Roman province and a Jewish rabbi. Rather, the exchange between Jesus and Pilate provided a window into the clash of world-views that existed then, and continues to exist, between those who are followers of Jesus Christ and those who reject Christ.

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