The Test of Truth (1 Jn. 2:18-25)


Speaker: Pastor Anthony Wood

In John's sixth sign of salvation, he contrasts deceivers and believers, by highlighting their response to truth. In John's day (as in ours), there will always be people who attend church, even serve in church, but their motives are malicious and their faith is false. In these verses, John showcases how two people can hear the same truth, but perceive and respond in two completely different ways.

Anthony Wood

Tony has pastored at MBC since 2010. Tony is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (D.Min) and serves on multiple church and missionary boards. He is married to his wife, Bre, and they have three children.


The Test of a Changed Life (1 JN. 2:28-3:3)


The Test of Worldly Compromise (1 Jn. 2:15-17)