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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of Answered Prayer (1 Jn. 3:19-24)

Christians often wonder how they can overcome doubts regarding the status of their salvation. The simple answer to that is prayer. In 1 John 3:19-24, John specifies how true believers will develop an active, theological, and experiential prayer-life, learning to pray for the right things, and seeing the Lord respond in kind.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of a Changed Life (1 JN. 2:28-3:3)

Those who are born of God are guaranteed to exhibit the characteristics of God. In this section of his epistle, John explains how a follower of Jesus will have confidence in Christ's return, be conformed to Christ's image, and be cleansed from perpetual impurities.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of Truth (1 Jn. 2:18-25)

In John's sixth sign of salvation, he contrasts deceivers and believers, by highlighting their response to truth. In John's day (as in ours), there will always be people who attend church, even serve in church, but their motives are malicious and their faith is false. In these verses, John showcases how two people can hear the same truth, but perceive and respond in two completely different ways.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of Worldly Compromise (1 Jn. 2:15-17)

The Bible is filled with warnings about people who claim a "love" for God, while also carrying a love of the world and its possessions. Yet, Jesus said this could not be. A human heart cannot hold divided loyalties. God does not permit spiritual adultery. Thus, a primary test of salvation, and a fork in the road of our spiritual existence, is determining if we love God or love the world.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of True Love (1 Jn. 2:7-11)

The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. On the cross, Jesus set a new standard of love, and true believers will be given this supernatural love, showcasing a heart of sacrificial selflessness toward others. Ultimately, our love for God and others becomes the preeminent benchmark, the primary marker, of true salvation.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of Obedience (1 John 2:3-5)

The root of salvation will always lead to the fruit of a transformed life. The next surefire sign of salvation will be a radical shift in attitude and behavior where an individual not only loves the commands of God but delights in obeying the commands of God. This lifestyle of obedience comes with an assurance of one's position in Christ.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

The Test of True Confession (1 John 1:5-9)

Satan's ultimate counterfeit leads people to believe that they are inherently good and that their issues can be blamed on their environment, parents, teachers, or social system. Sadly unless men and women confess their own sin, clinging to the cross of Christ for the solution, they will remain forever damned.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

Test of the True Christ (1 John 1:1-3)

John begins his epistle by clarifying Christianity is based on the true Christ. Many know about Christ, but few know Christ, they know facts on Christ but have no faith in Christ. John explains that the only way to heaven is via a personal encounter with Jesus, the God-Man, who offers a pathway for sinners to be saved.

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Evidence Anthony Wood Evidence Anthony Wood

Being Certain of Salvation (1 John 5:13)

John the apostle writes his epistle so that true Christians can be sure of their salvation, while false converts will reexamine their lives. In this opening sermon, we'll learn of John's nine vital signs, and how a believer can know, beyond any doubt, that he is a child of God.

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Canceled: Five Issues on Which the Church Must Not Bend

A Study Through 1 Corinthians

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