The Great Pride Crusher (1 Cor. 1:26-31)


Speaker: Dr. Steven Lawson

In this sermon, Dr. Steven Lawson addresses how the gospel should evaporate all pride. God often uses foolish things or people for his purposes, and it's not because they're more than others. All the rewards and fruits of salvation should go to Christ and his work in those he loves.

Dr. Steven J Lawson

Steven J. Lawson serves as president of OnePassion Ministries and professor of Preaching at The Master's Seminary. A graduate of Texas Tech University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Reformed Theological Seminary, he also serves on the board of directors of The Master's University and Seminary and the ministerial board for Reformed Theological Seminary.


The Faithful (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)


Flyover of The Revelation (Rev. 1-22)