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The Doctrinally Dangerous "He Gets Us" Campaign (John 1:29)
Modern "evangelism" has devolved into nothing more than social justice with "Jesus" in the caption, and ignores the fundamental doctrine of propitiation on which the entire gospel rests. In this sermon, we study the realities of sin, wrath, judgment, and redemption.
The Disturbing Day Taylor Swift Was Dubbed Light of the World (Job 1 & 19)
In December 2023, TIME Magazine dubbed Taylor Swift their person of the year, stating she's become the world's "light" in darkness. As with every generation, the Bible reminds us of the true Light, the Redeemer who solves mankind's woes with eternal answers.
Hard Preaching Makes Soft Hearts (1 Timothy 1)
After leaving young Timothy to pastor in Ephesus, Paul heard of men teaching falsely and creating strife. In response, he sends a letter to his young son in the faith demanding he uphold the crystalline truths of the Gospel and protect the church from error.
A Christian Response to Tyrannical Government (Various Passages)
As a rule, Christians obey the government as peaceful and non-violent citizens. Yet, because their supreme allegiance remains to Christ, there are exceptions to the rule, and they must discern when and how they are to civilly disregard government, in order to maintain a pure conscience before God.
Godly Men in a Godless Nation (1 Cor. 16:13-14)
In this special Father's Day message, we evaluate Paul's concluding commands to the church of Corinth, noting five marks of God's man, even as he stands against the torrents of secularized culture.
Eyewitness Evidence of a Resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-11)
Christianity rests on whether Jesus physically rose from the dead. In this text, the apostle Paul summons voices from the 1st century to testify of Christ's resurrection, along with the life-changing impact this reality had on their lives.
The Most Important Message We'll Ever Hear (1 Cor. 15:1-4)
After many chapters detailing the Corinthians sinful past, Paul makes the turn to describe their glorious future, including a coming bodily resurrection, and eternal life, but first clarifies that it's only possible through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Solution to Grief in Life and Death (John 20:11-18)
Our world is filled with sin, sorrow, loss, and crisis. Even Christians who love Christ often feel overwhelmed by the pain and forget God's promises. On Easter morning, there was one young woman enduring such a moment, and John lets us peek into her beautiful story of restored faith and hope.
The Faithful (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)
If one word could be chosen to summarize your life, what word would it be? For Paul, it would be “faithful,” especially when it came to gospel ministry. But what was it that drove Paul’s faithfulness? In 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, we find three factors that guided his ministry. May they do the same for you as you strive to be counted among the faithful.
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