Gender, Roles, & Male Headship in the Church (1 Cor. 11:1-16)


Speaker: Pastor Anthony Wood

Similar to the modern American church, the church of Corinth had begun to blur and obfuscate genders, including the heart with which male and females arrived for worship. In this passage, Paul clarifies the proper church order for men and women, based on God's created design, and in the Godhead itself. 

Anthony Wood

Tony has pastored at MBC since 2010. Tony is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (D.Min) and serves on multiple church and missionary boards. He is married to his wife, Bre, and they have three children.


The Right Attitude Around Christ's Dining Table (1 Cor. 11:17-27)


Living My Christian Freedom to Glorify God (1 Cor. 10:23-33)