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How Healthy Congregations Regard Their Pastor (1 Tim. 5:17-25)
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Due to the precious nature of the Church being Christ's bride, trustworthy leaders should be joyfully supported, while immoral leaders must be strongly and immediately disciplined.
Keys to Caring for Church Family (1 Tim. 5:1-15)
How we see people impacts how we treat people, and in this compelling chapter Paul reminds Timothy that the church is a "family", a large group of fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers, requiring each member to care for others accordingly.
Ten Traits of a Persevering Pastor (1 Tim. 4)
In order to help Timothy respond to the alarming apostasy of Ephesus, Paul details the internal and external qualities of a minister who perseveres to protect the church of Christ.
Saved to Serve (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
Paul continues to lay out the marks of a healthy church, which includes a body of believers who recognize they're saved to serve, fulfilling special and important works which God prepared for them from before time.
Your Checklist for Choosing a Pastor (1 Tim. 3:1-7)
Far too many evangelicals follow a pastor based on his popularity, magnetism, humor, business acumen, or political ties. But Paul says it is not these external characteristics that Christians should desire in a leader at all. Rather, as we will see in this sermon, they should follow leaders based on 15-traits of spiritual ministry set forth by God.
Hard Preaching Makes Soft Hearts (1 Timothy 1)
After leaving young Timothy to pastor in Ephesus, Paul heard of men teaching falsely and creating strife. In response, he sends a letter to his young son in the faith demanding he uphold the crystalline truths of the Gospel and protect the church from error.
A Christian Response to Tyrannical Government (Various Passages)
As a rule, Christians obey the government as peaceful and non-violent citizens. Yet, because their supreme allegiance remains to Christ, there are exceptions to the rule, and they must discern when and how they are to civilly disregard government, in order to maintain a pure conscience before God.
Thinking Bigger About Your Christian Purpose (1 Cor. 16)
In this concluding chapter, Paul commands the Christians to turn from their selfish pride and personal desires to instead "think bigger" about their support of God's work around the world; including, missionaries, faithful pastors, and their fellow church members.
Radical Feminism and Appropriate Christian Womanhood (1 Cor. 14:33-36)
Part of Corinthian disorder was the disruptive outbursts of women, so in this important sermon, we'll evaluate God's intended design for women, both in how they relate to their local church, and how they respond to their husband's instruction.
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