Who we Are

Mission Bible Church was founded in 2010 by Pastor Tony Wood with a focus on expositional preaching and a passion to see people saved. Mission is now home to hundreds of families around Orange County and the Inland Empire.

Our mission is quite simple. We exalt God through the praise of His wondrous name. We equip believers so that they grow in the knowledge of Christ, participating in the mutual edification of one another. We evangelize the lost throughout our communities and the world, desiring all to know Jesus Christ as Lord.

We strive to fulfill this mission through worship each Sunday, using what the Lord has given to us to serve one another, growing in the knowledge of Christ through Discipleship Groups, and actively pursuing discipleship in our homes. It is by these graces that God will conform His church into the image of Christ, yielding a church that is rooted in love, matured through the Word of God, and joyful in the midst of a darkening world.

Welcome to your home for truth.

Our Mission

“Exalt God. Equip Believers. Evangelize the Lost.”


The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We proclaim the excellencies of our heavenly Father who brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light, giving us adoption as His children and eternal life.


Those who love Christ will obey His commands. At the heart of our service is love for one another. As we build one another up in the knowledge of Christ we strive to become a people of holiness and righteousness.


As we grow in our knowledge of God and grow in obedience to His commands, the love of God is perfected in us. This love propels us forward to declare the love of Christ to our family, friends, and neighbors.

Our Values


We exposit Scripture as the authoritative & sufficient word of God to man.


We hold a high view of God prompting worship in both spirit & truth.


We practice prayer as man’s submission to the will of God.


We equip saints for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ.


We proclaim the gospel in obedience to Christ & for the joy of man.

Learn more

What We Teach.

See our “Statement of Faith” and a detailed summary of “What We Teach.”


Learn more about the team the Lord has brought to facilitate ministry at MBC.


Learn about the men God’s called to protect and oversee the spiritual well-being of MBC.

Contact Us.

Have additional questions about MBC? Want to get connected? Reach out to us.