Prayer for Pastor John MacArthur and GCC

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It has now been confirmed by reputable scientific sources that, although COVID-19 is a health risk to the elderly, it is not dangerous to the populace at large. The mortality rate of COVID-19 is below .25%, making COVID-19 slightly more concerning than the flu, but far less hazardous than cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, car accidents, smoking, or alcohol, and more.

Across the U.S., most states have resumed “business as usual.” Lifeway Research Group reports that near 80% of American churches have returned to weekly in-person worship. Yet, inexplicably, California officials continue to perpetuate a spirit of fear. Further, in a grossly discriminatory action, L.A. County, and Governor Gavin Newsom, applauded thousands of rioting protestors while filing restraining orders against well-intended churches gathering for comfort.

On Wednesday, August 19, L.A. County moved to charge Grace Community Church (and 81-year old Pastor John MacArthur) with contempt of court, seeking to levy hefty fines and imprisonment. As you know, Grace Community Church and The Master’s Seminary is where many of our young men train for ministry. I am indebted to Pastor John for his tutelage in my life.

Thus, our pastors and elders ask you to join us in daily prayer regarding this vital issue. A handful of hardened politicians in Sacramento are utilizing COVID-19 to eradicate our Christ-commanded, Christ-exalting, and constitutionally protected, practices of worship. Though we need not be surprised when the world system opposes Christianity (Jn. 15:18), we must be prayerful, watchful, and ready to suffer for righteousness and Christ's honor.

A full hearing between L.A. County and Grace Community Church will be held on September 4. Please join me in prayer; that the Lord’s will be done, and that our brothers in Los Angeles, “Stand firm in the faith” (1 Cor. 16:13).

Anthony Wood

Tony has pastored at MBC since 2010. Tony is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (D.Min) and serves on multiple church and missionary boards. He is married to his wife, Bre, and they have three children.


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