Love Uganda

We received an update in April 22nd from our missionary partner, Myron, who is helping to advance the Gospel in Uganda. Similarly to us, their country has been shut down for almost five weeks. However, in the impoverished area in which Myron serves, most families work day-to-day to provide food for their families. The concept of stocking up on groceries for a week or two is foreign, and many of our brothers and sisters in Uganda are now starving and without food. It's a humanitarian crisis.

Mission Bible Church launched a two-week campaign to raise relief aid for our brother’s and sister’s in Uganda, in hopes to help families who have been unable to find food. In the midst of COVID-19, our Mission Bible Family raised $7,650 in Relief Aid for struggling families in Western Uganda! Praise God for all of you who, in this uncertain time, have chosen to show the love of Christ by stewarding your resources with an eternal perspective.

The Impact

MBC Support Uganda Infographic.png

Faces of Uganda

Brett Skinner

Brett is the Executive Pastor at Mission Bible Church. Leaving the corporate world after a decade in startups, private equity, and consulting, Brett joined the pastoral staff team in 2019 to oversee administration. He and his wife, Aimie, have two sons, Finnegan and Cillian.


Sweeter Than Honey