Local Outreach

When the Apostle Peter was seeking to describe what it means to be a Christian, he gave us insight into God's motive for saving a people for His own possession. In 1 Peter 2:9, Peter tells us that God has redeemed Christians "so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." We serve a magnificently gracious God who has forgiven our sins and has satisfied our souls. And because we love Him, we desire to "proclaim His excellencies" to all who will listen.

Get Involved


Mommy Playdates


Mommy Playdates provide mothers and their children an opportunity to connect, grow, and fellowship during the week. These playdates also give moms the opportunity to evangelize other moms and children in the community by inviting them to join in on storytime, snacks, and crafts.

Playdates happen monthly around Orange County. Want to attend? Details for the next Mommy Playdate are available on our Events Page.


Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School is a gospel-centered program during the Summer where children from all over Orange County will partake in worship, games, and experiments to learn more about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Each year, Mission hosts a 5-day VBS during Summer in hopes of evangelizing and sowing Gospel seeds in our community.


Door 2 Door


Our team of pastors and evangelists partner with new members to teach and train them in sharing their faith boldly, lovingly, and effectively.

Twice a month on Sundays, Mission reaches out to the community by visiting new families or hitting local parks, communities, and neighborhoods with the gospel of Christ.